A club for mountain, road and gravel cyclists
Connecting Brampton, Caledon, Erin, and Orangeville

CCC Newsletter | Feb 2025

February 10, 2025 6:23 PM | Steph Laba (Administrator)

Welcome to our first newsletter of 2025! We have some exciting changes ahead, including a new club president—me, Joe Switzer. I’m looking forward to building on what makes this club great and introducing ideas to ensure its long-term sustainability. This year we are going to try out a new structure in an attempt to get more people involved.

Volunteers needed

We would like everyone to volunteer some of their time to the club, if possible. Here are 4 areas where you can help. Don’t be afraid to volunteer for more than one area if you can. Volunteering is a great way to get to know your fellow CCC riders and help make our club and community better.

Trail building
In front of us are some large trail-building projects. In Albion, we have a new trail plus updating the existing trail. In Erin, there is preparation to be done to get ready for the town of Erin to take over the trail. This means a redo of trails 1,2,3,9,10, and 11. Inglewood will need the installation of some culverts and bridges. I think our Palgrave trails could use some love! This is the year if you have ever wondered what trail building is all about.


We will need volunteers to lead and sweep groups. Let's try to get this organized beforehand so we can do less standing around and more riding!

We will need people to step up to organize the road and gravel rides. I would also like to see a Women’s Night started. I was thinking once a month on a Tuesday or Thursday following a long weekend. 

Note: Our Monday rides at Albion will now start at the splash pad parking lot. We are going to try a kid’s ride. The Wednesday rotation will be Palgrave, Erin, then Inglewood. 

We’re looking for volunteers to help out in administrative capacities such as handling memberships, waivers, insurance, legal stuff, accounting, record keeping, the website and social media, and events.

The riding season starts with the Spring BBQ at the end of April. We are always looking for volunteers to help out with this event and our Fall BBQ. We need volunteers to organize, setup, BBQ, work in the kitchen, etc. 

Outreach / Public Relations volunteers

We're also looking for volunteers to handle outreach and partnerships, including liaising with government agencies, IMBA, other clubs, and local bike shops, as well as managing marketing and the club store.

How to sign up to volunteer:

You can sign up to volunteer anytime through your profile on the website or when renewing your membership. You can also update your volunteer preferences whenever you like.

To update your volunteer preferences:

  1. Go to your profile, hit “Edit Profile” 

  2. Update your “Volunteer preferences” and hit “Save”

Questions about volunteering?
Please reach out to: caledoncyclingclub@gmail.com

Membership fee changes for 2025

To provide more flexibility for families, we’ve added some new membership options this year:

  • Single Pass: $40.00
    Access for one adult 18 years and over.

  • Additional Single Pass: $30.00
    For additional family member(s) 18 years and over living in the same household as the Single Pass holder. Available only after a Single Pass has been purchased.

  • Family Bundle: $70.00
    Includes two adults and any dependent children or youth under 18 years living in the same household. One adult member, the Bundle Coordinator, will be responsible for accepting a waiver on behalf of each family member.

How to sign up for an Additional Single Pass:
If you had a $40 Single Pass last year and qualify as the 2nd family member please click the ‘CHANGE’ button before you select RENEW” when updating your membership

Upcoming events

MTB Movie Matinee 

There will be no February Blues event this year. In its place, we’ll be screening a couple of cycling films at the Erin Community Center.

  • When: Sunday March 16 @ 1pm
  • Where: Erin Community Center
  • Cost: Free

About the films: 

Wende Cragg Documents the Birth of Mountain Biking
This film profiles photographer's Wende Cragg’s work and its lasting impact on mountain biking and the cycling industry.
Check out the trailer

Dirt relations
Dirt Relations tells the story of three men who formed an unlikely friendship to create the Indigenous Youth Mountain Bike Program.
Check out the trailer

The event is free, but please register as seating is limited 

To register or for more details:
Check out the event details

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